- Dream Team Volunteer
- Meet with family requesting a dream
- Act as liaison
- Participate in the dream making
- Fundraising Volunteer
- Plan an event
- Participate in event
- Connect with local businesses
- Obtain gift cards, sponsorship, coordinate plans with organizations, workplaces. schools to fundraise for Jamie’s Dream Team
- Reach out to potential donor
- Ambassadors
- Speak to community groups to promote Jamie’s Dream Team
- Frequently visit businesses to promote mission of Jamie’s Dream Team
- Place free ads in any appropriate marketing, newsletter, magazines, etc.
- Social Media Volunteer
- Be responsible for on-goring Facebook status, twitter, e-mail, etc.
- Administrative Support Volunteer
- Correspond with donors, sponsors, people of interest
- Maintain mailing lists.
- Work closely with Jamie or Vice President of Jamie’s Dream Team with assigned duties
- Office work
- Grant writting
Just have Fun!!!
Jamie’s Dream Team is always looking for volunteers to assist us in making dreams come true! If you would like to be part of “Jamie’s Dream Team”, take a moment and fill out an application. View the Volunteer Application by clicking here.
Jamie’s Dream Team4617 Walnut Street
McKeesport, PA 15132
Phone : 412-377-3898
Email: info@jamiesdreamteam.org